MON, Sep 30, 2024


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Baltic & Aegean” Room, Dress code: Business Casual

15:00-16:00 Introduction to GELS & GNLS (joined program with partners)
15:00-15:35 Keynote speakers: RIP Stephanie Urchick, PRIP and TRF Trustee Jennifer Jones
15:35-15:45 Welcome by Institute OC Chair, PDG Bane Randjelovic
15:45-16:00 Introducing the Training team: GELS Training Team leader Yeşim Yöney
16:00 -16:30 Opening Session (Joint session) [GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou]
16:30 -16:45 Coffee Break

20:00-21:30 Dinner in CROWNE PLAZA hotel


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Baltic” Room, Dress code: Business Casual

16:45-18:00 Motivating Your District [GELS TL Yesim Yoney]
18:00-18:15 Break
18:15-19:30 Engaging with Clubs [GELS TL Yesim Yoney]
20:00-21:30 Dinner in CROWNE PLAZA hotel


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Aegean” Room, Dress code: Business Casual

16:45-18:00 Preparing to Lead [GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou]
18:00-18:15 Break
18:15-19:30 Understanding Your District [GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou, Regional Leaders, RI Staff]
20:00-21:30 Dinner in CROWNE PLAZA hotel

TUE, Oct 01, 2024


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Baltic” Room, Dress code: Business Casual

09:00-10:00 Working with Club and District Support Staff [Janka Jakabos, Zurich Office CDS]
10:00-10:30 Preparing for the Rotary Assembly [GELS TL Yesim Yoney]
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:15 Managing your District (joint session) [GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou]
12:15-12:45 Break
12:45-14:00 Promoting our Brand and our Story [RPIC Altan Arslan, RPIC Vlad Popovici]
14:00-15:00 Lunch
15:15-16:15 Communicating for success (joint session) [GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou]
16:15-16:30 Break
16:30-18:00 Supporting the Rotary Foundation [GELS TL Yesim Yoney with RRFCs & supported by EMGAs and EPNCs]
18:00-18:15 Coffe Break
18:15-19:15 Question time (joint session) [RID Daniel Tanase. GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou, Rotary Leaders, Training Team and RI Staff]

20:00-21:30 Dinner in CROWNE PLAZA hotel


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Aegean” Room, Dress code: Business Casual

09:00-10:30 Rotary Priorities [GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou + RRFC Kosmas Kouturiadis, RPIC Vlad Popovici, RC Walter Ebner, EMGA Ahmad Husseini, EPNC Nikola Bozic ]
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:15 Managing your District (joint session) [GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou]
12:15-12:45 Break
12:45-14:00 Planning Your events [ GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou + TBA ]
14:00-15:00 Lunch
15:15-16:15 Communicating for success (joint session) [GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou]
16:15-16:30 Break
16:30-17:15 Working with Club and District Support Staff, Your Regional Experts [Janka Jakabos, Zurich Office CDS ]
17:15-18:00 Working with Young leaders [ GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou + TBA ]
18:00-18:15 Coffe Break
18:15-19:15 Question time (joint session) [RID Daniel Tanase. GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou, Rotary Leaders, Training Team and RI Staff]

20:00-21:30 Dinner in CROWNE PLAZA hotel


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Sava” Room, Dress code: Business Casual

09:00-09:50 Opening remarks – Introduction – nice to meet [Partner’s TL/RRFC/ARC Mali Levi]
09:50-10:30 RI structure & 7 areas of focus [PDG Nachum Fenkel and Partner’s TL/RRFC/ARC Mali Levi]
10:30-11:00 Coffee – Break
11:00-11:45 The DGs role [ IPDG/ARC Elizabeth Gila Kovacz and Partner’s TL/RRFC/ARC Mali Levi]
11:45-12:30 Preparing for the International Assembly – Orlando [PP Sonja Frenkel, Maja Miskulin and Partner’s TL/RRFC/ARC Mali Levi]
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-15:30 My role as DG partner – personal experience [PP Olga Steblianko, Sari Kent and Partner’s TL/RRFC/ARC Mali Levi]
15:30-16:00 The importance of an active partner in the eyes of DG [PDG Ivan Miskulin and Maja Miskulin]
16:00-16:15 Coffe Break
16:15-16:45 Tips for success [PP Olga Steblianko and Partner’s TL/RRFC/ARC Mali Levi]
16:45-17:15 Rotay in your District / projects [IPDG/ARC Elizabeth Gila Kovacz, PDG Ivan Miskulin and Partner’s TL/RRFC/ARC Mali Levi]
17:15-18:00 Partners expectations from governorship year [Partner’s TL/RRFC/ARC Mali Levi].

20:00-21:30 Dinner in CROWNE PLAZA hotel

WED, Oct 02, 2024


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Baltic” Room, Dress code: Business Casual

09:00-10:15 Supporting and Developing Clubs [GELS TL Yesim Yoney, RC Bane Randjelovic, RC Walter Ebner]
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:00 From Plan to Action [ GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou, training team]
12:00-12:15 Coffee Break
12:15-12:45 Closing Session (joint session) [GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou]
12:45-13:15 Concluding GELS and GNLS [RID Daniel Tanasse and Team leaders]
13:30-14:30 Lunch


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Aegean” Room, Dress code: Business Casual

09:00-10:15 Addressing Challenges in Your District [GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou and TBA]
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:00 From Plan to Action [ GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou, training team]
12:00-12:15 Coffee Break
12:15-12:45 Closing Session (joint session) [GELS TL Yesim Yoney, GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou]
12:45-13:15 Concluding GELS and GNLS [RID Daniel Tanasse and Team leaders]
13:30-14:30 Lunch

CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Sava” Room, Dress code: Business Casual

SPECIAL SESSION > 12:00-13:00 What about the TRF [ GNLS TL Christina Covotsou-Patroclou, TRF leaders and RI TRF staff]



WED, Oct 02, 2024


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Baltic&Aegean” Room, Dress code: Business Casual
MoC: RRFC PDG Kosmas Choutouriadis, RRFC PDG Haim Kennet

15:00 -15:20 Welcome remarks TRF Trustee Chair Representative PRIP Jennifer Jones
15:20 -15:40 TRF Update in Zone 21 RRFC, PDG Haim Kennet
15:40 -16:00 Supporting the Rotary Foundation- a Prerequisite for Rotarians to Make Their Vision a Reality RRFC, PDG Kosmas Choutouriadis
16:00 -16:15 POLIO when the Dream comes true. where we are and what we must do now EPNC, PDG Nikola Bozic
16:15 -16:35 The Power of Giving: Why We Need More Major Donors for Rotary’s Mission E/MGA, PDG Melitta Becker Unger and E/MGA Ahmad A. Husseini
16:35 -17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 -17:30 Addressing community needs – best practices PP Andra Barbulescu, Rtn. Levent Colak (WOMENT Project Chair) and PDG Vladimir Matic
17:30 -17:45 The role of Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers in Europe EPNC, PDG Nikola Bozic
17:45 -18:00 The Rotary Foundation challenges – a discussion with seminar participants (Q & A) ARRFCs from R24 and R25, moderators: RRFC PDG Kosmas Choutouriadis, RRFC PDG Haim Kennet
18:00 -18:10 Closing remarks, RRFC PDG Kosmas Choutouriadis, RRFC PDG Haim Kennet
20:00 -21:30 Dinner in CROWNE PLAZA

THU, Oct 03, 2024


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Pacific&Atlantic” Room, Dress code: Business Casual
MoC: ARC, PDG Ljiljana Lainovic

09:00 -09:10 Opening Remarks RI President Stephanie Urchick
09:10 -09:25 Presentation of Regional Teams Convener RID Daniel Tanase
09:25 -09:40 Working as a team ARC, PDG Mehmet Hakan Karaalioglu
09:40 -10:10 Panel Action Plan Champions, Moderator: ARC, PDG Bashar Hadad, Panelists: ARC, PDG Vira Syryamina, ARPIC, PDG Adrian Luca
10:10 -10:30 Positive Peace vs. Negative Peace RPIC Vlad Popovici, TBD
10:30 -10:45 Protecting the environment ESRAG Chair Yasar Atacik
10:45 -11:10 Coffee Break
11:10 -11:40 Panel Doing Good in the World, Moderator: ARC, PDG Mali Levi, Panelists: PDG Ayda Ozeren, ARRFC, PDG Ovidiu Bunget
11:40 -12:05 How to better welcome young leaders in Rotary ARPIC Maria Mastora, ARC, PDG Christo Mihailovsky, 2 Rotaractors TBD
General theme: The Magic of Rotary: Empowering Change, Transforming Lives.
Moderator: PDG Lorentzos Chazapis
Conversation tables with topics:
1. DEI in Rotary, Moderators: ARC Gaye Binark, ARC PDG Ivan Miskulin
2. Increase our Impact, E/MGA Ahmad Huseini, ARRFC Daliborka Bradic
3. Expand our reach, ARC Erzsebet Kovacsne Gila, PDG Ayda Ozeren
4. Adapting in a changing world, ARPIC Alaeddin Demircioğlu, TBD
5. Enhancing Rotary’s Public Image, ARPIC Vesna Baur, ARPIC Mayssa Abboud
6. Regional Adaptability, PRID Safak Alpay, PRID Yinka Babalola, PRID Katerina Kotsali-Papadimitriou
7. Planning on a long-term, PRID Corneliu Dinca, PRID Patrick D. Chisanga
8. Young Leaders in action, ARC Kostas Kotsis, ARPIC Nihat Arkan Apturahman, 1-2 Young Leaders TBD
12:55 -13:35 Sharing conclusions session Moderator: PDG Lorentzos Chazapis
13:35 -13:50 Closing remarks ARC, PDG Ljiljana Lainovic
14:15 -15:30 Lunch in CROWNE PLAZA


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Pacific & Atlantic” Room, Dress code: Business Elegant
Session Host and MoC: PDG Christina Covotsou-Patroclou
co-Session Host: Institute Chair RC Bane Randjelovic

18:00 -18:15 Opening moment Coordinated by Stage Manager PP. Vladimir Lalošević
18:15 -18:30 Session Hosts on Stage PDG Christina Covotsou-Patroclou, Institute Chair RC Bane Randjelovic
18:30 -18:40 Welcome Remarks Convener RID Daniel Tanase
18:40 -18:50 Institute Chair Address, Institute Chair RC Bane Randjelovic
18:50 -18:55 Host District Governor Address DG Vladan Mijailovic
18:55 -19:05 The Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Representative Address TRF Trustee Chair Representative, PRIP Jennifer Jones
19:05 -19:30 Senior Leader Addresses
PRID Safak Alpay, PRID Corneliu Dinca, Past RIVP Yinka Babalola, PRID Katerina Kotsali-Papadimitriou, PRID Patrick D. Chisanga
19:30 -19:50 RI President Address RI President Stephanie Urchick
19:50 -20:00 Closing Moment Coordinated by: Stage Manager PP. Vladimir Lalošević
20:00 -23:00 Gala-Dinner in CROWNE PLAZA

FRI, Oct 04, 2024


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Pacific & Atlantic” Room, Dress code: Business Elegant
Theme: Imagine the Magic of Hope – Empowering Change, Valuing Continuity.
Session Host and MoC: Plan Lead PDG Christina Covotsou-Patroclou
co-Session Host: Plan Lead PDG Hasan Albayrak

09:45 -09:50 Session Hosts on stage PDG Christina Covotsou-Patroclou, PDG Hasan Albayrak
09:50 -10:00 Announcements Institute Chair RC Bane Randjelovic
10:00 -10:10 The magic thought of the day RI President Stephanie Urchick
10:10 -10:25 Rotary Membership: Cultivating a Culture of Service and Fellowship Convener RID Daniel Tanase
10:25 -10:45 The Rotary Foundation: Imagining and Empowering Change, Inspiring Hope TRF Trustee Chair Representative PRIP Jennifer Jones
10:45 -11:25 Stories in Motion: Bringing People of Action to Life Moderators: RPIC, DG Nuri Altan Arslan, RPIC Vlad Popovici
11:25 -11:45 Coffee Break
11:50 -13:35 Navigating the Rotary Waters (1h:45m) Interactive Session part I Moderators: Senior Leaders, Regional Leaders, Rotarians
13:45 -14:50 Lunch
15:10 -17:00 Message in a Bottle (1h:50m) Interactive Session part II Moderators: Senior Leaders, Regional Leaders, Rotarians
17:00 -17:30 Coffee Break
17:30 -18:15 Sharing the conclusions of the Interactive Sessions Moderator: TBD
18:15 -18:30 Financial Forecast, TBD
18:30 -18:40 Daily Briefing, PDG Christina Covotsou-Patroclou, PDG Hasan Albayrak
19:30 – Bus transportation to MD event in AEROKLUB, Belgrade
20:00 – 22:00 MD recognition event (AEROKLUB, Belgrade)
20:00 – 21:30 Dinner in CROWNE PLAZA hotel
22:00 – Bus transportation from the restaurant to CROWN PLAZA

SAT, Oct 05, 2024


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Pacific & Atlantic” Room, Dress code: Business Elegant
Theme: Transforming Vision into Reality
Session Host and MoC: ARC PDG Ljiljana Lainovic
co-Session Host: PDG Jamil Mouawad

09:00 -09:05 Session Hosts on stage ARC, PDG Ljiljana Lainovic and PDG Jamil Mouawad
09:05 -09:25 The Rotary Foundation Priorities RRFC, PDG Kosmas Choutouriadis, RRFC, PDG Haim Kennet
09:25 -10:05 Panel Rotary Inter Country Committee (ICC) Role Moderator: Chair of the ICC Executive Council Nathalie Huyghebaert Panelists: PDG Ovidiu Cos, PDG Jean Philippe Baur, PDG Hamsa Totha
10:05 -10:20 Celebrating Women in Rotary: From Inclusion to Influence PDG Sunčica Bulat Würsching
10:20 -10:50 Panel Energizing Rotary: The Transformative Power of Youth Moderator: ARPIC Nisa Ildız Çelebioğlu Panelists: Serdar Kelahmet, TBD
10:50 -11:30 Panel Investing in Humanity: The Reach of Rotary Global Grants Moderator: PDG Yesim Yoney Panelists: Regional Grants Officer Elizabeth Davis, Strategic Relationships Officer Sam Kendall, PDG Vladimir Matic
11:30 -11:55 Coffee Break
12:00 -12:20 Rotary’s DEI Journey in Zone 21: Empowering Every Voice, Celebrating Every Story Institute Chair RC Bane Randjelovic, RC Walter Ebner
12:20 -12:40 From Vision to Reality: The Role of Rotary Action Plan Champions Moderator PDG Darko Tipuric, Rotary Joint Strategic Planning Committee Member Panelists: DG Vladan Mijailovic and DG Davorko Obuljen
12:40 -13:00 The Undistricted Clubs of Zone 21 PRID Katerina Kotsali-Papadimitriou, PDG Abdul Hamid El Awa
13:00 -13:35 Panel Asking our leaders Moderator: RI PVP Yinka Babalola All Senior Leaders present.
13:35 -13:40 Promotion of the 2025 Europe and Africa Summit RID Daniel Tanase, PRID Patrick D. Chisanga
13:40 -13:50 Promotion of the 2025 Rotary Convention TBD
13:50 -14:00 Promotion of the 2025 Rotary Peace Conference PRID Safak Alpay
14:05 -14:20 Acknowledgements
14:20 -15:20 Lunch in CROWNE PLAZA


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Pacific & Atlantic” Room, Dress code: Business Elegant
Session Host and MoC: Plan Lead PDG Christina Covotsou-Patroclou co-Session Host: Plan Lead PDG Hasan Albayrak

15:30 -15:40 Opening moment Coordinated by Stage Manager PP. Vladimir Lalošević
15:40 -15:45 Session Hosts on Stage PDG Christina Covotsou-Patroclou
15:45 -16:00 Convener Closing Remarks RID Daniel Tanase
16:00 -16:10 Institute Chair Address RC Bane Randjelovic
16:10 -16:20 Host District Governor Address DG Vladan Mijailovic
16:20 -16:30 The Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Representative Address PRIP Jennifer Jones
16:30 -16:45 RI President Address RI President Stephanie Urchik
16:45 -17:00 Closing moment Stage Manager PP. Vladimir Lalošević
17:00 Cultural moment on stage – Folk dancing group “Branko Radičević”, Ruma


CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, “Pacific & Atlantic” Room, Dress code: Casual
Host: PP Maja Kovačević

21:00-23:00 Musical Performance, party, cocktail (stand up) dinner ABBA REAL TRIBUTE BAND



This will be announced on Sep 16, 2024

Educational Opportunities:

The Rotary Zone Institute provides an excellent educational platform for its members. These events include seminars, workshops, and keynote speeches from experienced leaders and experts in various fields.


One of the key highlights of the Institute is the opportunity for Rotarians from different parts of the zone to interact with one another. This networking can lead to collaborations on new service projects, exchange of best practices, and forming friendships and partnerships that transcend geographical boundaries.

Ladership Development:

this event serves as a training ground for future Rotary leaders. Those attending get to learn from experienced Rotary leaders, gaining insights and skills that they can apply to their own clubs and districts.

Celebration of Achievements:

The Zone Institute includes a time to celebrate and recognize the work of clubs and individual Rotarians within the zone. This recognition can serve as a powerful motivator, encouraging clubs and members to strive for excellence.

Service Projects:

Find more on service projects that all attendees can participate in. These projects provide a tangible way for attendees to put the ideals of Rotary into action.

Strategic Planning:

Learn more on the strategic goals of the organization, encouraging alignment and synergy between the different clubs in a zone.


Lastly, the Zone 21 Institute will be an event of immense inspiration. The stories of service and friendship re-energize Rotarians and inspire them to return to their communities with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

With all these factors combined, it’s no surprise that the Rotary Institute that we prepare for you in Belgrade will be the event of the year for Rotarians in our Zone 21 and not only!